Welcome to Meditations by Amazon Warrior

Welcome to Meditations by Amazon Warrior.

Designed to uplift, focus , soothe and relax, these weekly episodes are intended for athletes and high performance individuals, who are go getters in the office and the gym, yet struggle to to relax, unwind and reduce stress.

In this podcast I am bringing you

  • guided meditations to help you relax , focus and sleep,
  • positive affirmations to start your day and reignite your health and mindset,
  • and every now and then, I write sleep stories to help you fall into a deep and peaceful sleep, so that you can awaken refreshed.

Over the years of training hard and suffering various injuries, I started looking for ways to heal, and ease my racing mind that would never pause, to get to the next project or the next task…

I found that meditation was a helpful tool, yet I didn’t find a guided meditation to suit my exact needs…

Soon I realised I wasn’t alone, and figured I could write my own meditations, designed for a specific purpose.

One of my very first guided meditations, was created for my friend who suffered the loss of a child, and by sending them a guided meditation audio file, I felt I could help, even though I wasn’t physically there with her.

Moving forward, I started to create meditations to help “fix a problem” for others, with the goal to help them suffer less, and live a more fulfilled life.

So here you’ll find various longer and shorter guided meditations, suited to a specific need.

I truly hope this content is useful to you and makes a difference in your life.

Thank you for listening and enjoy the podcast

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